Thursday 2 April 2015

An hour at Grafton Park, Northamptonshire .... same perch, five species ........

A sunshine and showers day, when the sun was out the light quality was great.

My usual staged prop, a few sections of moss covered branches with a selection of seed and peanuts pressed up hard against the base at ground level to concentrate the birds in a small area.

Even though Spring is now with us the birds continue to appreciate this supplementary food source.

The frequency of visits by a number of Nuthatches clearly suggests that they are still caching nuts in the surrounding mature woodland.  

The sparks really fly when two or more Nuthatches are feeding at the same time, I would love to get an image of these birds having a squabble.


  1. The nuthatches never fail to impress me John, great images.

  2. Thanks Douglas, I know that the Grafton Underwood feeding station gets a bit samey but where else would you be able to attract Nuthatches and the rarer Tit species in these numbers, hopefully in a natural setting .... all subjects within ten feet of the car .... fantastic .....

    Sadly, no Bramblings and Redpolls which surprises me as the habitat is pertfect for them
