Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Double take .......

If you think synchronised swimming is clever how about this !

Titchmarsh LNR has had a cracking year for Comma Butterflies, as I have stated previously I have never seen so many on the reserve.

This image was taken quickly, I would have liked to move the aperture setting to F8 to improve the depth of field but did not want to miss the '' moment ''.

Just as well as a second later they flew.

All in all a pleasing result.


  1. A very pleasing image John, nice one.

  2. Thanks Graham ... depth of field could have been better !

  3. Nice to get both in perfect symmetry John, I fully understand the dilemma between the right aperture and not missing the moment. I honestly believe you got it right and captured the moment perfectly

  4. Thanks Doug .... very generous of you ... but an interesting composition.

  5. Thanks John ...... not to your standards though !!.
