Wednesday, 12 August 2015

..... followed by a Dragonfly day .....

........ OK, here goes, talk about putting a questionable, bordering on non-existent reputation for Dragonfly identification on the line.

But you have to learn when venturing into unknown waters.

All comments, corrections and wisdom greatly appreciated.

NB ..... it comes as no surprise that my technical advisors could be head to audibly sigh, throw their hands up in disgust  and put me right ..... the cavalry came to the rescue !

Thanks to John Murray and Graham Barker.

                                    Male Southern Hawker ? - NB actually a female.
           Ruddy Darter .... or maybe Common ? - NB actually a male Ruddy Darter,
                                               - well I got it half right.

                                        No idea - NB its a Female Common Darter.

                          As photographs however I am quite pleased with the images.


  1. Again with butterflies look, flowers and dragonflies I sadly know nowt John. But they're great images.

  2. Hello John

    I think the first one is a female Southern Hawker, the same one as in my film, it has green and brown markings, the no idea one is a Ruddy Darter and the last one, the same one as in my film is a Female Common Darter, I think lol

  3. Female Southern Hawker , male Ruddy Darter and female Common Darter .. you can tell the difference between Ruddy and Common Darter..... Ruddy has all black legs and Common has a white stripe on the back of its legs ... Great shots by the way John

  4. Thanks to all of you ..... in balance I got it half right !;
